Welcome to BOLD - Where Outdoor Experiences Come to Life!

Our mission is to liberate your adventures with minimalist outdoor showers that challenge conventions and inspire unforgettable moments. We believe in embracing the untamed freedom of the outdoors, and our showers are designed to enhance the connection between you and nature.

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Customer Experiences

“Their customer support team made the whole process smooth and hassle-free.”
- Anna

“Love this shower! It is so nice to rinse off with water that is not icy cold. And, it looks so nice!”
- Diego

“Fantastic product. Using it for the pool area and to wash our dog outdoors. Its design is AAA and we are totally satisfied with this outdoor shower!”
- Liam

“Starting my day with my outdoor shower is invigorating. The fresh air and water synergy is unmatched in boosting my mood. It's a holistic wellness experience.”
- Elise