The health benefits of cold water therapy with an outdoor shower

The Health Benefits of Cold Water Therapy - a BOLD Move

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Exploring the increasingly popular wellness trend of cold water therapy reveals a myriad of physical and mental health benefits. Integrating this practice into your daily routine is made even more appealing with the luxury and convenience of BOLD Outdoor Showers. Let’s dive into the science behind cold water therapy and discover how it can transform your daily wellness regimen.

Understanding cold water therapy

Cold therapy, or cryotherapy, involves exposure to cold temperatures to cool the body's tissues for therapeutic reasons. This practice spans several methods, including cold showers, which typically involve water temperatures below 60 degrees (15.5° Celsius) for two to three minutes at a time. Such exposure has been linked to numerous health benefits, from bolstering immunity to improving circulation and reducing inflammation.

Athletic guy enjoying a Bold outdoor Shower

Benefits of cold showers

Dr. Sharon Hame, an orthopedic surgeon with a subspecialty in sports medicine at UCLA Health, underscores the efficacy of cold showers, especially for those active in sports or fitness. "Cold showers are a convenient way for a weekend warrior, amateur athlete, or anyone who enjoys exercise to get some of the benefits of cold therapy after a workout," she notes. Here are some key benefits:

  • Immunity Boost: Transitioning from hot to cold showers might protect against viruses. Research in the Netherlands showed a significant decrease in work absenteeism due to sickness among those who took regular cold showers.
  • Mental Health Support: Cold showers have been shown to decrease depression symptoms and anxiety, potentially enhancing mood through the shock of cold exposure.
  • Enhanced Circulation: Cold exposure puts the body into a 'survival mode,' increasing blood flow which helps in muscle recovery and overall circulation efficiency—beneficial for those with high blood pressure or cardiovascular concerns.
  • Metabolic Increase: The body’s effort to stay warm under cold water can lead to a slight increase in calorie burn and metabolism.
  • Inflammation and Pain Reduction: The natural vasoconstriction and subsequent vasodilation from cold exposure help flush out inflammation and alleviate muscle soreness after physical activities.

Incorporating cold showers into your routine

Dr. Hame recommends integrating cold showers into your routine, particularly following physical exertion. To get started: Begin with 30 seconds of cold water, gradually increasing to two to three minutes.

Alternate between hot and cold showers, a method often recommended by athletic trainers, which involves a hot shower for three minutes followed by a cold one for one minute, repeating this pattern three times and finishing on cold.

Safety Considerations

While cold showers are generally safe, they might not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with conditions such as cold urticaria, heart disease, or Raynaud’s syndrome should consult a healthcare provider before starting cold shower therapy.

Cold water therapy offers a practical and enjoyable way to enhance your health and well-being. Embrace the chill and transform your daily routine into a rejuvenating experience that invigorates the body and soothes the mind.